with them. "I'll get the rates. The resort where we are staying is rather expensive."

Sidney spoke up, "It's really a great idea. I'm sure we would all have fun. Hope you two don't mind seeing me run around in a bikini."

"I figured as much," I laughed.

Sidney and I went to a movie while our mothers worked out the little details.

The next morning, Mother woke me up, "Jesse, would you get up and come into the kitchen? I need to talk to you."

I slowly climbed out of bed as this was my first day of vacation, I had expected to sleep until noon. "Morning Mom," I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning, Jesse. How was the movie?"

"Oh, pretty good, I guess."

"Sit down. I have been going over our finances for the trip, and we have a slight problem. Apparently, we are a bit short of funds to go to Hawaii."

I moaned.

"I know, but we can go someplace else. We both need to get away.

"But mom! Isn't there something we can do? I'll get a job right after we get back."

"Well," she hesitated, "There is a way, but I told Sidney's mother that there was no way you'd do it."


"We could make a slight alteration in their pre-arranged plans and get a two room suite."

"Okay, let's do that."

She smiled at me, "I don't think you'll want to make the necessary alteration."

"What kind of alteration?" I asked, realizing that the problem must be serious if she got me up so early on my first day out of school.

"We don't have enough money for separate accommodations for you. You know, your being the only boy and all." "I'll sleep on the couch or with Sidney like in New York. Is that what you're saying?"

"Oh no. That won't work at a fancy resort like this one. And it's not right for a boy to share a room with a girl or


his mother," she said calmly while patting my hand. "Sidney's mother suggested that if you posed as a girl, we can all share the same accommodations and save money."

My jaw dropped a mile, then I started to laugh. In fact, I laughed until there were tears in my eyes. I looked at Mom, but she wasn't laughing. "Hey! Are you serious?" I asked with sudden foreboding.

Mom frowned, "Yes, Jesse, I'm afraid so. It's a lot less expensive for four women to travel than it is for three women and a boy. I told her that this was too much to ask." I looked out the window. It was raining. "I would like to help out Mom, but I can't be like Sidney. With that, I became concerned.

Mother spoke up, "You're not so terribly masculine that you couldn't pass for a girl. As a matter of fact, with a little help from us, you would look very cute."

I noticed an odd twinkle in mother's eyes. I guess that's when it hit me. "Are you serious?" I asked, "Me go to Hawaii as a girl? I would have to wear panties, bras, and dresses like Sidney! I couldn't! All that flimsy, silky stuff!" I felt my cheeks burning.

Mom smiled at my reaction, "Jesse, you could be just as pretty as Sidney. I bet he'd even show you the ropes and help you."

One word came into my mind. NO! There was no way I was passing myself off as a girl.

Mother looked sad. She deserved the vacation. Then I thought of Sidney and my love for the sand, sun, and water. I looked at Mom, then sighed. With a fearful shudder,

I said, "Okay, I'll give it a try. But if Sidney teases and makes fun of me, I'll quit on the spot! Agreed?"

"It's a deal! I know he really wants you to go," Mother said, showing excitement about the trip for the first time. "I'll have a long talk with them and warn Sidney. Once he understands the trip depends on you and your willingness to dress as a girl, I'm sure he will pitch in and help you to feel comfortable."

Mother quickly went to the phone. I heard her working out the details. "What size shoe does Sidney wear? That's almost a perfect fit!"

I gulped and cringed as I pictured myself in a pair of